The bouncy castles
subsiding, attendants on
the shambling way home.
drainpipe after the downpour;
the summer returns.
A hot day coming
The morning’s hot breeze,
waters dry, leaves falling green
from the thirsty trees.
Not so quiet and quarter past five
Walking out at dawn,
to a not-so-secret world;-
lots beating the heat.
Drying out
Teasing us with cloud,
the weather’s still emptying
all the reservoirs.
Another pandemic
Unnoticed by most,
stealthily advancing, flu
is taking the birds.
Too warm
It’s hot everywhere;
there is nowhere anywhere
to go and be cool.
Caves rippled with light,
down by the cold northern sea;
I wish I was there.
Cars, lorries, splitting,
tearing the air with noise; I
don’t want to be here.
The unwanted ethics advisor
One in a strange land,
saying unpopular words;
courage of Amos.
Past and future
Pieces of railway,
sat proud of the trail, worn smooth
by thousands of boots.
Only three more months
of dodgy dealing and lies;
I wish I were sure.