Britain is big: the world is much, much bigger

This huge world, long roads,
deep uneasy sea; the search
for safety or hope.

The old quarry and lime works, once busy and hazardous, is now a peaceful haven. I lament the loss of the nearby railway and of jobs – but the jobs must have been dangerous and poorly rewarded. What is best?

Misty and damp

“I consume, therefore
I am”. It’s too unstable
for us to live by.

Pleasant clear sunset last night – but I woke to drizzle

Justice, child of love,
rule our tired, expectant world!
May God’s will be done.


And in Sunday’s Lectionary, we read the story of Naaman, who found it difficult to swallow his pride in order to be cured of a skin disease. Sometimes I’d sooner do something difficult than swallow my pride. Maybe pride itself can be the cause of dis-ease – like the pride of empire that destroys peace.

Yesterday evening’s sun, filtered through falling rain

Falling from heaven;
blessings of rain, rays of sun,
and dictator’s bombs.