Just saw a Twitter from Swiss tourism… “Aujourd’hui, c’est la #JournéeMondialeDuChocolat”. This is an idea I like, although not all chocolate is Swiss – other brands are available. Maybe you could get more agreement about chocolate being nice than you could about faith, or football, or political philosophies. But even agreement about chocolate would not be total, because for instance, some people are allergic, and others find that overindulgence threatens their health, and others can’t afford much chocolate, and others just aren’t that bothered. Maybe interest in chocolate is also gendered. Nevertheless, chocolate has some claims to be a global delight, and a World Chocolate Day is not a bad idea.
Chocolate is also global in another sense. Chocolate production is part of the global network of trade, and typifies its strengths and weaknesses. The cocoa / cacao is mostly produced in countries that are poor – and the growers don’t usually get a great deal for a foodstuff that ends up in some quite expensive items. Fair Trade chocolate spearheads the whole Fair Trade movement. It’s about letting everyone, including the growers, get a fair and sustainable payment for what they do.
I like eating fairtrade chocolate. During COVID, we’ve been getting most by post from fairtrade suppliers – but I think it’s also good (maybe better) to buy fairtrade stuff in normal shops, so they see the advantage of fairtrade to their sales figures. It sometimes seems to me that our spending is the only real vote we have – which means I have more votes than some people, and many fewer votes than others – this cannot be fair!
Living God, in this wonderful world
of sun and rain and plenty,
may everyone have enough.
PS – Fair Trade is not the same as organic, although they may appeal to the same demographic.