One in a strange land,
saying unpopular words;
courage of Amos.
Past and future
Pieces of railway,
sat proud of the trail, worn smooth
by thousands of boots.
Only three more months
of dodgy dealing and lies;
I wish I were sure.
Britain is big: the world is much, much bigger
This huge world, long roads,
deep uneasy sea; the search
for safety or hope.

And who is my neighbour?
It’s next door, but more.
Who grows my food? …hears my chat?
Whom do I ignore?
Not quite summery
Washing on the line,
roughed up by the wind, sprinkled
with the meagre rain.
Misty and damp
“I consume, therefore
I am”. It’s too unstable
for us to live by.

Justice, child of love,
rule our tired, expectant world!
May God’s will be done.
A far away country
The rumours of war,
the small shaking of the earth;
elsewhere, destruction.
And in Sunday’s Lectionary, we read the story of Naaman, who found it difficult to swallow his pride in order to be cured of a skin disease. Sometimes I’d sooner do something difficult than swallow my pride. Maybe pride itself can be the cause of dis-ease – like the pride of empire that destroys peace.

Falling from heaven;
blessings of rain, rays of sun,
and dictator’s bombs.
Economic powerhouse
Rejoice! Old days are
coming back: you’ll be lucky
to find a doctor.
Voices of Christ
A mother sobbing,
a child in fear of the gun;
these voices of God.