More deliveries,
goods expected soon; this is
the age of cardboard.
It’s who you know
In the Luke reading from next Sunday’s Lectionary, Jesus teaches a lesson that goes against the received wisdom in most walks of life. Don’t push yourself forward. Don’t go hobnobbing with the high and mighty. That might be the way of normal people – but it is not the way of the kingdom of God.
He tell the story of taking a lowly place at a wedding feast, then being asked to come up higher. This once happened to us in Botswana – I was uncomfortable because it felt like white privilege!
Driven by the sun;
wheeling air, vapour aloft,
patterns of weather.
Some geese in a field,
honking like a clown’s car; yet
strangely serious.
The time of year
Taking blackberries,
fighting prickles; the journey
through pain to delight.
Wood-like cupboard doors;
and behind them, the darkness
of stuff forgotten.

Rain, messy, spotty,
drizzly rain, coming, going,
we love you all ways.
Thundery breakdown
Delighted, shrieking
children stomp flags now puddled
by the sudden rain.
Understated dawn,
patient jackdaws on the roof,
normal life resumes.
There’s no brassy sun
today, no bright-shining heat,
but still the sap drains.
Still dry
Under the streetlights,
the white grass shines in patches,
like untimely snow.