Thank you J for delicious cheese and vegetable thing yesterday! … complete with stretch marks.
From Sunday’s Lectionary, Psalm 37 – “Do not fret because of the wicked; do not be envious of wrongdoers, for they will soon fade like the grass, and wither like the green herb.”
Or will they fade? What happens when it’s the wrongdoers that write the history? Our job as Christians (amongst others) is to create a community in which doing the right thing* is honoured, and make our own contribution to the histories through conversations and social media and so on.
* …and of course to engage in the serious conversations, prayer, and consideration of the gospel which are sometimes needed before we even know what the right thing is.
Also in the Lectionary, Luke’s gospel, Jesus says ‘do not judge’ and ‘do not condemn’. But it’s hard when it seems to me that some people ( not everyone) are very certainly lying, and bearing in mind that Jesus himself criticised some powerful people. What can the word ‘judge’ here mean? Some really nasty pieces of work have even claimed to be Christian to further their ambitions. Well I’m pretty certain that it’s not my place to say they are not Christians. It’s even less my place to say that God doesn’t love them. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t say when I believe they are doing and speaking wrong.