Compared to most, we’ve managed OK this year personally – not had jobs to lose, and haven’t so far got the disease. I know it’s been harder for others, not least H & T. But all in all it’s not been a happy time for our country, and I sometimes feel as if I should have done something to make things better, but all I’ve done is snipe from the sidelines. I’m still not ready fully to embrace capitalism, for I feel that other people’s need is a claim on us. We are all connected. Naturally enough, there have been some frustrations this year, and our adventures have been very modest compared to Janet’s long walk last year. I have had a chance to get to grips with the Prayers for Places website, though, which has been fun.
As to next year, I’m still not really bedded into this place, and I’m not sure about doing new things when there’s the added complexity of COVID restrictions. But I hope I’ll do some useful stuff next year. Meanwhile, what am I going to do this Sunday, church or not church? I want to support our local village church, which is where I belong now, and it’s the Methodist Covenant Service, which I’d like to attend properly sometime, often having filched chunks of the service to use in the URC. I particularly like the bit about serving God when it suits us and when it doesn’t. OTOH it’s starting to feel antisocial to meet all these other people, even though the church is very organised and very careful about the rules and the windows are open.
Conditions underfoot were a better this morning, so I did a walk.