Went up to the old quarry this morning, and up the little footpath a bit more. The first time I’ve been on that part since getting a new hip a few years ago. It’s still narrow and slopes away steeply on one side. Ever the cautious one, I made use of as handy birch at one point when the path seemed a bit gravelly. Plenty of smells available in the warm, slowly moving air. I like the bracken one.
Our leaders are informed by science, governed by priorities. What are the priorities? Do you want to save lives, save the economy, or save your own skin? Of course, the first two are connected: poverty kills … and a culture that respects life is I suspect more likely to engage in productive, rather than competitive behaviours. Poverty kills, but is simply splashing out randomly going to help? It seems that poverty kills most, when societies are most unequal (if that makes sense) and addressing inequality might be more helpful. Otherwise, it’s ratchet time (every time there’s an economic disturbance, it seems to me, the rich are OK and the poor get poorer).
Anyway, in the Kingdom of God, the first will be last and the last will be first.
PS just heard a gull – I’ve seen plenty, but hearing one made me think of being on holiday for a couple of seconds.