Only the shops

Only the shops for this morning’s walk – the right knee is still not right, and when I walk I get left behind. Truth to tell, most of my walks in recent years have been more flat than hilly. Most (not all) hills involve one or more of stiles, rocks, slippery mud or steep descents – which all have disadvantages. But I do miss being in the hills if I’m away for a while, and there are some pretty easy options around here, which I take if I’ve time. So once in a while, I’d go up the easy way to Wild Bank Hill or Windle Edge or the old quarry, to be alone with the wind.

In tomorrow’s lectionary, the mountain top is a place to encounter God.

Is it because there’s more God there, or less distraction? I suspect the latter.

Is it still true? Probably, but not exclusively. It may be more about attitude than altitude. God give me the grace to trace your activity in daily life.

Meanwhile, the people of Ukraine must feel far from any kind of help, divine or otherwise. … to say nothing of the poor bloody Russian army, doing what they are told to do by people bent on destruction.

We can pray; whatever our altitude.