Stolen magic

I read in Exodus in Sunday’s lectionary that God is awesome. And so it is. Sometimes, though, it seems to me that the power to amaze and inspire has gone somewhere else. Prompted by commercial imperatives, huge resources of art and artfulness have gone into advertising. It would be brilliant if such powers could come to the people of God, and we could be inspired to love people and worship God, rather than live unsustainably (in every sense).

Yes God is awesome, but the power to reflect and portray and spread this message is in human hands. I am troubled, though, that The Church itself is not always a fit vessel for God’s love. People abuse power, sadly; and the more the power, the more the ‘sexiness’ or the ‘magic’, the greater the opportunities for abuse.

No walk this morning (or yesterday), because of knee trouble…. which is a shame because the weather is nice at the minute.