Disturbed to read this on the BBC website. Presumably MI5 deals with this kind of stuff all the time. Why has this received such prominence now, at a time when the government is mired in scandal? Draw your own conclusions. Also, if Ms Lee is not a spy, what is she – a lobbyist? Plenty of people lobby MP’s, and plenty make donations of doubtful provenance. There doesn’t seem to be any evidence so far that any MP’s have acted improperly in this case.

In Sunday’s Lectionary, where we read about Jesus at the wedding feast in Cana, there’s a couple of time-related bits that remind us of the writer’s interest in the symbolic importance of what Jesus does … “On the third day”, and when Jesus says his hour hasn’t yet come. So watch out for things that are to do with the bigger scope of Jesus’ life and death, resurrection and meaning.
And here’s another thing;- when the time is right for Jesus to act, he just does it. He doesn’t ask the steward’s permission. According to the gospels, this is also how he was with the religious authorities too. He didn’t need their permission to do what was right, he just did it. I’m not sure how far we can go in suggesting it as a model for our behaviour, because we can be deluded when we think something’s right – but it’s something to think about.