A bit weird

Tomorrow’s Lectionary includes the bit from Acts where word gets to the apostles that ‘Samaria’ had accepted the word of God (surely not the entire region?) Anyway, representatives are dispatched and they enable the Samaritans to receive the Holy Spirit.

For me, the principal odd thing about this is that it seems from this passage that the apostles thought it was clear when someone had received the Holy Spirit. This may make sense to some people, for whom it is very clear whether someone has received the Spirit or not – but for me, it is not clear. Firstly, because ‘the wind blows wherever it wants’, and our relationship with the Spirit of God comes and goes – it is fitful it seems to me: the Holy Spirit is not a thing to be grasped, but something living, that has its own ways. And secondly, because our responses vary, in the same way (as I’m fond of saying) that trees respond differently to the wind. Some hardly move, whereas others bend and sway profusely. It’s the same wind, and the same life-enhancing change of air, but different responses.

Another change in the weather today, accompanied by generous rain.