I was trying to get the base off the laptop, in order to fit more memory; and I was defeated by this one tiny screw. I could not get it undone, and I had comprehensively trashed the screw head in trying. Then J suggested I interpose an elastic band between the screwdriver and the screw. Reader – it worked!
It’s Epiphany! It’s time to remember how (along with those traditional gifts), people brought knowledge to Jesus’ feet – at least, they brought what counted as knowledge in the first century. In our century, would we bring science, the quest for truth, to Jesus? What might it mean to do science for Jesus? Would it mean letting Jesus decide the agenda, and maybe the results of science? Or would it mean bringing something to our understanding of Jesus – a kind of rigour – a rigour in the way we test our understanding against observation? I’d like to think it’s the latter.