The local newsagent is changing hands. Out of curiosity, I looked briefly at the TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings Protection of Employees) regulations. It seems that the new employer can change a contract of employment for reasons that include ‘economic’. This seems to me to give them carte blanche to do whatever they like. I believe there has to be some kind of consultation, but if workers aren’t represented by a union, I assume this takes the form of ‘take it or leave it’. It just seems pointless having these regulations: am I missing something?
Speaking of which, how do we move from ‘the widow’s mite’ (Sunday’s lectionary) to the widow’s might? … or ‘sense of agency’ at the very least.
The Trail this morning is graced by a plethora of chromatic* leaves…

- * Thank you to the Kashmir, Sheffield, for this phrase. I believe there were to be roadworks. I wonder what became of it.