The clouds were playing around the hilles this morning…

…also, later in the morning, the heather on the other side of the valley was a stunning pink in the sun (no picture).
The cloud in the house of God plays a part in the story of Solomon in Sunday’s Lectionary. However wise you are, there will be something about God that is mysterious and unknown. Maybe wisdom includes knowing that you don’t know. Maybe at different times we can be in all four quarters of the Rumsfeld Diagram, including the one he never mentioned – the unknown knowns … the things you know, but don’t know you know, like skills learned long ago which you forgot you had, then discover that you can use them.
And in John’s gospel, Simon Peter answers Jesus, “Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life.” There’s sometimes a kind of desperation about coming to Jesus – there is nowhere else to go.