In next Sunday’s Lectionary, there are stories about David and about John the Baptist. They both annoyed powerful people as a consequence of their faith (it’s two powerful daughters in the stories, but if the politics of the Holy Land was anything like current Westminster politics, there may be some blame management going on here).
What do we do when our faith brings us into conflict with the rich and powerful? Maybe we sometimes lack even the imagination to see where God is leading us, and such conflicts don’t come up very much. May God give us guidance and strength.
The government is ‘consulting’ on its plans for charging people in their early to mid 60’s for prescriptions. I looked up how much it was (it was £6 or £7 the last time I had to pay). It is now £9.35 per item. I wonder if anyone in government has any conception of just how much money £9.35 is.