Home now

Back home now at the end of a week where the passage of weather has been marked by no more than changes of cloudiness or humidity – no rain. The walking was good.

From the Lectionary for 13th June, in Psalm 92, we read this little nugget…
“The righteous flourish like the palm tree, and grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
They are planted in the house of the LORD; they flourish in the courts of our God.
In old age they still produce fruit; they are always green and full of sap.”

…Well, I live in hope that one day I’ll be old enough!

Not sure what kind of ‘fruit’ is meant here… I first assumed that it was ‘outcomes’ of our activity – but I was forgetting the OT obsession with having children (and hence the meaning of ‘sap’). In my simple mind, the faith of the Old Testament is propagated by reproducing, which subtly morphs in the NewTestament into propagation by hearing and taking to heart the ‘Word’ of God. And what Jesus says about knowing people by their ‘fruits’ is a play on the concept that his hearers would have known already – about the ‘fruit’ of someone’s loins, remeaninged into being about the fruit of speaking God’s word.

FWIW my prayer is that in old age I’ll be able to contribute something of use.

Take two cows

I used to think pigeons said “take two cows Tommy”. But it seems to break in the middle of the phrase….

” two cows Tommy,
take two cows Tommy,
take two cows Tommy,



It seems to be hard walking in this warm weather, even before summer’s really got into its stride. We started earlier this morning to avoid the greatest of the heat, and still lay knackered and sweaty for a while at the end.

Nevertheless, great to be out in creation.


  1. Even the countryside is heavily modified by human hands.
  2. Even cities are part of creation – and our abilities to do stuff are themselves part of creation.

Hard and soft

A moment or so where the water is hard and the landscape is soft rolling downland. I mentioned another time how odd it is to see Scandinavian place names in a landscape I associate with the chilterns.

It depends

Timetable today depends on hearing from fridgerepairperson. Maybe more later.


A cloudy day with a little grudging rain. A bit humid with it.

The Gospel for the Lectionary on Sunday 13th includes the mustard seed as a picture of the Kingdom of God. It starts tiny and grows huge. The power of an idea! People who work in the world of ideas need to strive for what is right. It’s a big deal.

Four dams

Four dams today – this is Torside reservoir…

As for tomorrow’s Lectionary, Psalm 138 is a kind of antidote to the thinking of the Israelites who wanted a king like everybody else’s. Just rely on the steadfast love of God – though note that it can be a rocky journey that way – also remember the helicopter story!


cloud and crags
I stumbled upon this

As to the Lectionary, I admire the honesty of Psalm 130… “Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD.” We can do that too.

Smell is underrated – I’m glad I’ve not had COVID and dysosmia.