A fatal shot

The BBC has repeatedly shot itself in the foot over with its disgraceful actions over the Diana interview and subsequent cover-up. No, not in the foot, but in the head, because the BBC has powerful enemies who are loving the chance to make it ineffective for ever.

For me, the BBC has always been the best thing about being British, and still is. It is the greatest, strongest pillar of our democracy, maybe the only serious one. Without the information that the BBC supplies, then the propagandists are free to feed us what they want us to hear, and tighten their grip on power for the indefinite future. This is not the country I want to live in for the rest of my life.

The BBC now has to be completely honest and repentant about what it has done. Our one last hope is that the public will respect its honesty and the BBC will be allowed to continue its excellent work. It is a thin hope.