A question that comes up in my head from reading Sunday’s Lectionary – where do you get your guidance from, and how do you test it?
Some ideas from the readings – the word of the Lord, a random process (casting lots), the ‘testimony of God’ reflected in Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the word of God… Well, they are not mutually exclusive – and other ideas suggest themselves – the Bible, and reason itself – it’s got to make sense. All this is not straightforward, though, and there need to be checks, tests – we interpret God’s dream not alone, but in community. It’s hard, especially when you’re talking with people who are coming from a very different place – maybe that is part of the pain of living in an imperfect world. Another good question to ask – are we hearing what we’re hearing only because it’s what we want to hear – or is the message moving us on? Nevertheless don’t let this morass of semi-knowing slow us down from following Christ eagerly once we do get the idea of where we’re going.
Also I’m confused by this voter ID thing – doers it mean we shall (in effect) have to pay to vote? – In which it seems to be sending us backwards to a pre-democratic time. It’s a crap solution to a small-scale problem.