After a few tiny snow showers first thing, the ground soon went back to its usual colours, the tiny bits of snow evaporating rather than melting in most places. It was the kind of day when you take off your fleece indoors and it tries to pull all the hair off your arm.

Later a lovely walk with relations, including photogenic lambs.

And for next Sunday’s Lectionary, believing Thomas. He demands to see evidence, as all of us post-enlightenment souls would – it is no longer good enough to believe because somebody in power tells you to believe. But when he does get the evidence, he believes properly. God isn’t abstract anymore. It’s personal. He calls the risen Jesus, “My Lord and my God!” Next Sunday is ‘Low Sunday’. Here’s a segment from something I made up thirty years ago…
“…And this is all we have now;
the rain;
the wooden floor;
the few people of hard faith;
a church unseasonably cold;…
… and Jesus risen.
God, help us see that today is where resurrection counts;
not in Easter churches crowded with praises and flowers,
but resurrection day by day.
Help us to see and live and celebrate and love Jesus risen,
in the words of saints and students,
on the wet streets,
amongst the drab clothes,
in the cold place,
in daily dreariness:
Help us see the unmentioned vision,
and give the shapes of daily life
an edging of fire.”