Some holes in the mist early on – now it seems to have lifted into a fairly constant cloud layer.

Just in case you thought it wasn’t spring…

To my ears, for half a second the fridge sounded like a distant train. I think this must be the longest I’ve been without going on a train for my whole life. As a small child I was taken on a 223 bus or the Metropolitan Line to see my grandfather (and grandmother before she died when I was very tiny). Trains are freedom, excitement, adventure, walks, holidays: even the promise of doing business in a different place was somehow enticing. I don’t think I’ve even seen many trains except our local sad little 323s. I think the loss may be inducing auditory hallucinations (or wishful thinking maybe). Not relevant here, but I note that the first thing to go when I’ve lost a lot of sleep is my ability to interpret what I hear, for instance I was once walking along the seafront at Worthing after an all-night walk, thinking I could hear voices in the waves crashing on the shore.
Small note on the Lectionary for Sunday... Jesus is talking to the crowd. ‘”And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” He said this to indicate the kind of death he was to die.’ The cross was very public. Jesus could not suffer in secret, but suffered in public, where the people pointed and laughed. If the English press had been there, they would have had a good laugh and a hate-filled rant too. Perhaps we should remember the terrible, public, messy suffering endured by Jesus when we see all those neat crosses in our churches and public spaces.