Very thin covering this morning from a small shower in the night, and one or two bits of old snow remaining. As I walked eastwards, the new snow got less and the old snow got more.

In the Big Bang Theory (an American comedy show), the character Zack is invited to take part in a superhero costume party. The dialogue goes like this…
“Sheldon: Congratulations. Zack, how would you like to be Superman?
Zack: I don’t know, sounds like a lot of responsibility.”
“It sounds like a lot of responsibility.” So does speaking on behalf of God, as we see in the Deuteronomy reading of next Sunday’s lectionary. It’s not something to be done lightly – it needs to be done with humility – and it needs to take cognisance both of the accumulated wisdom of community(ies) in interpreting God’s word, and the corporate defects of that same community (like favouring the rich and powerful very often). Also that reading is a timely reminder of how powerful speech – communication can be. A lie can spread across the internet faster than a speeding superhero … and so can a more helpful meme.