No walk again today, because it’s slippery at this preferable quiet time of a holiday Sunday and I don’t want to clog up A&E. No church for me either, because the current restrictions probably aren’t enough to keep R down once the new strain takes over (which is inevitable), and I don’t want to take a chance on spreading this thing.
And from today’s Lectionary – all those readings in some way remind me, “Don’t forget to hope!”

Look at the table of countries which have abolished the ‘tampon tax’* here, and you’ll see it includes Ireland which is in the EU. So what’s this nonsense about the abolition in the UK being a benefit of Brexit?
* other sanitary products are available.
God of love.
we praise and thank you
for good weather and bad,
for the eternal interplay
of sunshine and moisture,
of hot and cold,
that nourishes the earth.