Not too much

It’s raining here, but not too much. Maybe it’s the Welsh mountains we have to thank for that. It is, however, quite blusterous in exposed places. (I heard ‘blusterous’ on a weather forecast recently, so it must be OK. Maybe the presenters have a bet on to see who can get the most Winnie the Pooh words into forecasts over Christmas. I just hope that no-one finds themselves ‘entirely surrounded by water’.) I seem to remember there’s a prayer in the old Church of England prayer book that asks for ‘moderate rain’, or ‘showers’ or some such. Our whole national infrastructure, agricultural system, everything depends on moderation in our weather, which is now set to become even more buggered up by anthropogenic climate change. We should be praying again for moderation in our weather and for world leaders* with the guts to do what it takes to achieve this. But let’s also pray for love that is not just moderate, but 100% committed, like Christ’s love for us.

* So how about moving our Parliament to Mytholmroyd – it might concentrate the minds of all those anti-wind power nimbys?