The Trail

A walk this morning along the Trail in pleasant weather. Everyone I met today respected the distance limits, which was brilliant.

Last night we watched the first threequarters of Schindler’s List, which was, as it should be, a difficult watch. It’s not just the brutality, but also the confusion which makes it hard – that too must be true to the experience. This is what we people can do to each other, and in such a twisted world even the heroes are compromised. I don’t want the world to be like that again, and even now people in Europe are trying to work together to avoid another such terrible conflict, or the re-emergence of any such philosophy as Naziism. Except us of course.
Perhaps there are people here who think the war was a good thing. (It may for us at the time have been a necessary thing, but that’s different). Most of the people who now see the war as a great moment are people who never experienced it.
We now have 35 hours in which to finish the film.

Gracious God, give us peace we pray,
a peace in which there is also justice,
in which no voice goes unheard,
the peace which Christ can give,
but not the world.