Christ Rules OK

…So showing my age here – graffiti have moved on. Next Sunday is about the ‘reign of Christ’. What does it mean to say that the one who preached and practised forgiveness, mercy and love ‘reigns’? It is unlike any rule that we’re familiar with – it is not by coercive power. Christ reigns now in the lives of all who love him, however imperfectly. And at some time, in some way, times will come when that ‘reign’ will be uncovered, not so furtive. Speaking of which, ‘eucalyptus’ would be a good name for an insurance company, because you would be well covered.

Meanwhile, though, money talks – in many influential circles at any rate. It seems possible that if you can pay for clever lawyers and accountants, you can be rich for your investors and poor for the taxperson. As yesterday’s parable suggests, it would seem there are many people who become rich not by creating wealth, but by reallocating wealth in their own favour.