…the spelling is intentional.
Today I’m 68, the age at which I’d normally have retired, and Janet has made a ginger cake – delicious!! Of course I still wonder whether I should’ve stayed to the end – but if I had, maybe we’d not have been able to do some of the projects we’ve done. Also I was never the best at keeping up with what was going on anyway, and that feature of my working life was getting worse as I went through my sixties.
Obviously it’s another time to think about how my working life went: perhaps what I didn’t realise before is that although I had many talents, I also had one or two gaps – so possibly I couldn’t have been all that much more useful than I actually was. Sometimes the things you fall down on aren’t the ones you are expecting.
Anyway, there’s a lot more life to be lived, and I’m looking forward to it, lockdown or no lockdown. As a matter of fact, the virus has come to us at the least worst possible time – we are newly retired, relatively fit, on a fixed income and living somewhere beautiful.

Something to think about for our future – how can life be more beautiful for people who have been pushed aside in the struggle for wealth?