Is there something about Ian Duncan-Smith that we don’t know? Trawling through some photos for the Prayers For Places website, I found this (it was in Hull, hence ‘trawling’)…

Small note from Sunday’s Lectionary. Just note that Euodia and Syntyche “have struggled beside me in the work of the gospel…”, according to Paul. That was nearly two thousand years ago. You’d think that by now women would have equal respect in the work of the gospel.
Today was a lovely morning, but underfoot had the signs of last night’s heavy rain. The small road I walked down was more a stream, and the flowing water seemed to be spooking the cattle that were trying to cross it. A woman at an upstairs window of her house was shooing two small calves out of her front garden. When the farmer apologised, she cooed, “Oh they’re lovely at that age!” The stream ended in a puddle at the bottom of the hill, whose escape route I had to unclog.