A morning walk, and the sunwas being a bit like a theatrical spotlight.

The bracken is staring to look a bit disreputable, although less so under cover.

It’s pleasant to walk on a carpet of conifer needles.

The road by my right earhole was unusually quiet because of a broken-down lorry, though looking across the valley to the diversionary route, I could see a rather more hectic situation.
Sunday’s Lectionary also includes the Ten Commandments, although as a member of a ‘freedom-loving people’, I might not be expected to take kindly to being commanded anything. I don’t think ‘freedom-loving people’ is a compliment. Freedom in the hands of comfortably-off white males like me can be have bad effects, like roads congested with dangerous and filth-emitting vehicles, forests cut down at a whim, wives beaten up by drunken husbands etc. etc.. We are not automatically good and we need rules to keep us from harming others. We are constrained only by love as Paul might have said, but love and its sisters, peace, mercy and justice are one heck of a constraint.