Back home now after our time near Ashbourne. Just after midnight as we were trying to sleep in the Bambi, we were clipped by the eastern edge of some spectacular thunderstorms. At first it was quiet, there were distant flashes to the west every second or so, and no sound inside Bambi. As it got closer, the sound increased and eventually the rain came. The going was not like the coming. It just seemed to be dissipating as it moved away. By the time it was out of earshot, there was only an occasional flash. The morning was hot like yesterday, but a good deal less hazy.
Now the clouds to the west are quite nice, although AFAIK we’re too far east to get a huge lot of storminess…

We pray for all people who have been affected by this weather
especially those who’ve been hurt and bereaved
by the derailment in Scotland.
Christ, have mercy.