The image doesn’t really convey it, but something about the light today made me realise just how much darker it was walking under trees than on the open sections of the path. It felt deeply gloomy. Then you come out into the open, and it’s day! There’s even small suggestions of blue sky near the southern and eastern horizons. It was muggy, breezy, but dry – I’m not confident that the dryness will last, though. I’m never quite sure how to take the weather forecast – we’re in the southeast of the northwest, or if you like, the northwest of the east midlands. Plus we sit on some west-facing slopes and occasionally in the shadow of some Welsh mountains. I usually go by TV transmitter, not county, which makes us northwest. (As I may have mentioned…) We’re only about a mile away from Tameside in the Manchester COVID zone, and Tameside is our local hospital. The railway and bus connections mostly look towards Manchester. If you get up early enough in the morning, you can see that we’re in the Manchester TTWA.
Companion Christ, as we stumble in the darkness,
lead us on, keep us going
until we walk in the light again.