It’s Saturday

A decent morning, with some sun and some cloud, a bit more of a breeze and far less haze than there was earlier in the week, but still sweaty if one exerts oneself enough. A slightly longer walk this morning, partly with Janet, and seeing one or two butterflies I’d never knowingly seen before. I could see one of west Cheshire’s little escarpments from the road above Padfield. It’s Saturday, and the top two divisions of football in England are playing again, but in front of cardboard crowds. So it’s hello again to mild despair as I look up scores on the BBC website. Can the town where I last worked as a minister avoid the indignity of successive relegations? In the lowest moments I find it hard to think they have any assets other than a supportive crowd – and they don’t have that now.

As the little signs come
that normal life is beginning to return;
the pain has still not gone away.
People still die.
New people are becoming infected
in significant numbers.
We keep in mind all those
who are bearing the pain right now.
God give strength and peace, we pray.
Give healing for our divided society,
and the peace that comes from justice.