
Just as the second aeroplane of the day flew over, I thought I caught a sniff of burnt kerosene. It can’t have been that one, maybe it was the earlier one. But probably not – we’re miles from the airport, though quite close to the glide path. Must’ve been an olfactory hallucination – or maybe I’ve become hypersensitive over the last few months. Or it could easily have been something else anyway. Besides which, why were they landing towards the southwest today anyway? Wouldn’t that be downwind? There we are – that’s as much mystery as I can summon up today.

There’s some mid-level cloud as well this morning. It’s all fairly quiet at the moment, a nice gentle, mild day. The grass in the garden grows taller, and the seed-heads sway gracefully in the gentle breeze. I’ve had a walk, and Janet’s writing.