When I got out of the door this morning, I was greeted by the smell of burnt moorland. It stayed with me, more or less, for the whole of the morning walk. I guess with the wind more in the north, it was blowing straight down from where the fire has been, on Saddleworth Moor. I know freedom is sacred and all that, but would it be too much of a problem to ban the sale of disposable barbecues until the moors were properly wet – which they may be soon – we’ve had some nice rain.
Came across this today…

…maybe the track by the reservoir was a route somewhere at one time.
Trinity time: In Genesis the writer is trying to tell us how God created order from chaos, and the first we know about it is the ‘wind that swept across the face of the waters’ – i.e. spirit. As to God in Christ, other Bible writers have said how Jesus can bring meaning out of tragedy.
God forgive us when we mess up your creation:
we may not all have the spectacular stupidity of those
who set fire to the moors,
but we do our bit to make things worse,
and ask you to forgive us.
Strengthen and encourage us, we pray,
to work to heal the world
and make things better.