Nice to have some cooler, breezy weather and a splash of rain at last. The mix of wet and dry patches emphasised the roots of this roadside tree…

Meanwhile, life’s still grim for millions of people. It is the year of terror: terror of a tiny virus, terror of racists in the American police, terror of a life with no income, and hunger knocking at the door. And the people we call ‘terrorists’ are completely outclassed by all this.
Never mind, life is restarting, and our betters will soon be able to get hog-whimpering again.
God forgive us for our carelessness of others,
our casual dismissal of people unlike ourselves,
and our faithlessness.
At the same time, dear God,
we struggle to understand
why this virus has come.
Do we need to forgive you for it?
Is it your doing?
If we are to thank you for this
amazing, created world,
does it not also include the agents of death?