These, on the Trail, are wonderful!…

…there are more of these little clusters too – well worth a visit, especially for small children – at the western end of the Trail.
Sunday will be Pentecost, and this is the Lectionary. This is Acts 2:15… “Indeed, these are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o’clock in the morning.” …Really? The first century must be very different from ours if nobody was ever drunk at nine in the morning.
Aside from that minor observation, what do we do with the Pentecost story? Is this an example for us of what to do if we want the Holy Spirit to come? They were met together and maybe expecting something. But even if they were, I doubt they knew what. I think that’s the first things to watch out for – beware of thinking we know what to expect. Different church cultures have very different ideas of the God’s Spirit does, even within Jesus’ promise. And there’s a more fundamental question. Do we even want the Spirit of God in our church life? Think of the disruption. Think of the consequences of moving our faith from the theoretical realm to the practical. Be ready to weigh up the consequences, and then undertake the journey.
The Trail is lovely at the moment, but also quite busy. I think it’s time for a temporary ban on horses, so pedestrians can use the bridle path to pass at a safe distance without endangering themselves or the riders.