Keep alert

From the Lectionary for Sunday, “Discipline yourselves, keep alert. Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8).

All well and good – but be very careful about equating anyone with the ‘Adversary’. Often the threats lie inside ourselves, or in our social selves. You may get a lot of votes by blaming China or the Democrats, or the scientists, or anyone ‘Other’. But the Adversary is often in my head or yours. And as for keeping alert, what are we supposed to keep alert for? ( — I know – but it’s my language for me to do what I like with.) At least the writer of this Epistle makes an attempt to describe what to watch out for.

But I don’t know what to watch for now. It can’t be the viruses, they are too small and you can’t see them coming. Should we be alert to the rising cough or sneeze inside so we can get the tissue out in time? Should we be focused on keeping our distance? Should we watch out for people who look as if they’ve had a haircut recently and give them an extra wide berth? Should we be alert for wiffle-waffle?

God of all the universe,
help us to be steadfast in our faith,
cleaving to you
despite stress and uncertainty.