The Stone the Builders Rejected

From the Lectionary… Peter 2:7 … “To you then who believe, he is precious; but for those who do not believe, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the very head of the corner,…”. Well, how about that? It turns out that migrant workers are quite important after all, ‘essential’, you might say, and have been foremost in making sacrifices for the health of the rest of us. And the Jesus way, too, which has been accepted, rejected, and accepted in name only throughout history, might turn out to be more important than we think. After centuries of capitalism, it turns out that people need people after all. And, I venture to suggest, people need God too.

I started too late, so a short walk today, on the streets. Plenty of space to walk round people though. Our local chippy was open yesterday for pre-ordered takeways, and I went and got some delicious stuff (too many chips though – we’re having the rest today). Think I managed the protocol more or less OK too.

Generous God…
Everything is yours,
given us in love,
fish, bananas, old pyjamas,
mutton, beef and trout.

…apologies to Python

I hate to say this, God,
but if you have given us everything,
and the talents and energies to make stuff,
why did you also make viruses?
It’s tedious to rehearse our unpreparedness,
our selfishness.
And I know you are with us,
and Christ suffers alongside all
who suffer pain and grief.
But why have viruses in the first place?
Can I welcome them as a necessary part of a huge,
amazing and discoverable Creation?
Not yet, I think, gracious God.