The Breeze Rises

An early morning walk, and at quarter to seven, the reservoirs were a beautiful flat calm. In half an hour, the wind had stirred and there were waves. Amazing that the seemingly weak sun was enough to cause some air somewhere to warm and rise a fraction and start the mixing down of momentum from the middle layers of the atmosphere. Anyway, the consequence was the lovely play of wave reflections on the trees – see here on YouTube.

I stayed out too long, and by eightish there were lots of dog walkers around, enjoying the sun, which they’re entitled to do.

I don’t really like war metaphors for what is going on at the moment, especially since for most of us, ‘doing our bit’ consists of sitting on our a***s at home. It’s frustrating. There’s nothing stopping me going out and doing something, but I’m not sure what that is. It’s also part of being retired. Anyway, I’m still quite engaged working on my ‘Prayers for Places’ website.

Just now, as I was standing here with a cup of coffee in my hand and a reverie in my head, I was stirred into attention by the sound of coffee hitting the keyboard. No harm done, fortunately – but a warning to be more careful.

Holy Breeze, stir us,
Spirit of God, move us
to love and to do.