Among the tons of other stuff on our wall unit, we have five tiny pottery houses, all roughly the same shape and size.
I put them in a row.
Janet noticed.

I’ve been trying to make bread. The dough will not rise. Maybe I killed the yeast (or the five years after its Best Before date did for it). I’ll give it another hour or two, then I’ll flatten it and we’ll go as if it were unleavened. Maybe sometimes some natural processes just are, like the Spirit of God, untameable.
I still persist in believing that God is good. However, the ‘invisible hand’ isn’t. There’s no profit to be had in planning for the future.
Living God,
Christ crucified,
we pray for those who put their lives on the line
so that others may live;
especially, now, workers in health and care.
God save them, we pray.