I blame the spellcheckers

Janet’s prediction is coming true. I’ve seen the disease described online as ‘Corvid-19’. Covid is a new word, so I guess some spellcheckers have corrected it to Corvid.

We pray for the people who are now in more danger
from domestic violence,
confined at home with their abusers.
God, protect them we pray.
Lord, in your mercy…
…hear our prayer.

God protect all people from this virus,
and give strength and wisdom
to those who are working so hard
to protect us all.
Lord, in your mercy…
…hear our prayer.

Comfort those who mourn,
give hope to the fearful,
and remember all people
who do not have the advantages
of wealth and health.
When the aftermath comes
and we reflect,
help us remember the priorities of your Kingdom.
Lord, in your mercy…
…hear our prayer.

Palm Sunday Prayer…
God give us more faith:
not the noisy faith of the ever-changing crowds,
but the slow, hard, long faith
that walks with Jesus all the way.
Lord, in your mercy…
…hear our prayer.