The lectionary is here…
I know the two old testament readings are not supposed to be used together, but they seem to address a similar situation from opposite sides. In habbakuk, the prophet speaks of the pain of those who suffer injustice and long for God’s intervention. Isaiah addresses the corrupt people and spells out what God needs if justice is to happen. Don’t waste time on worship if you are unwilling to fix your lives.
In the gospel reading, jesus approaches the outcast zaccheus. That in itself conveys the message, all the more because jesus needs zaccheus and his hospitality. That is kingdom community living, give and take, mutual dependence.
We are in Canterbury at the moment, and the phone is eating battery whenever it’s on mobile data. Here is yesterday’s walk from Broadstairs to margate…

… and the previous from Canterbury to Shepherdswell…

… and this is some random crepuscular stuff…

The walks have been good. And it’s been good to see Hannah and Toby.