Janet found loads of painted ladies today. Here are a few on some flowers…

No doubt they will eventually disappear as quickly as they came.
Here are some rigs for the hydrocarbon industry. Just looking at them, you would not know whether they were being built, serviced, or scrapped. People are prisoners of economic forces, and in this case uncomfortably bound to the harmful burning of fossil fuels (as most of us are in one way or another BTW)…

Sooner or later, all jobs in their present forms will disappear.
Economic pain and/or the fear of persecution drive some people away from their homes, their friends, their families, and they have to say goodbye. Nothing new there. Look at this stone in Cromarty, about nineteenth century emigration to Canada…

To ruin a sea shanty,
Farewell and adieu to you fair painted ladies,
farewell and adieu to you beauties of Spain…