It’s too darn’ hot

Well, it is. Even though it’s quite a bit less hot than Cambridge, it was a hard day for Janet. But with the help of copious water, and a lovely woodland cafe at Abriachan, she made it to Wester Altourie today.

Maybe such weather helps us to understand the psychic geography of some of the Bible. Constant sun bad, rain good, refreshing, making growth. Water life-giving. And so on.

One heatwave in itself doesn’t mean there’s global warming. But the evidence is building. And if this is the future, I don’t like it… I don’t like the personal consequences, and I don’t like what it’s going to do to people too poor to escape from what is coming.

There may seem to be something unnecessarily ‘wacky’ about green theology in some of its forms, but I still believe it’s God’s world, and we have a responsibility to keep it safe as a place for others to live….

… So says someone who has driven his Picanto over 5000 miles in the last 3 or 4 months.