Here’s Janet getting close to some small nature, surrounded by the magnificence of big nature…

… it’s something I’ve never found very easy, connecting the small with the large. How does God’s massive intention of love and saving the human race, to say nothing of the planet, connect with the fine grain of church life, magazines and rotas, and forbidding notices in car parks? Perhaps the answer is that very often it doesn’t, and we shouldn’t pretend it does.
God help us, when we stumble-
half-perceiving, half-knowing-
to see the big picture,
and to know what to do to play our part.
And what is the big picture now? What can God conceivably be doing in this strange country where we moan about politicians all being liars, when for the most part they aren’t, but love the biggest liars. And how in these circumstances can we really see the big picture for sure?
We know Jesus lived in a dangerous time, with wars and rebellions and brutal suppression. But what we know of the Roman empire is not the stories that are most true, but the stories that are most persistent, often self-serving propaganda.