Unwilling abstainer

My phone keeps popping up a message reminding me to vote. But I can’t, because I’m away from base since before postal votes arrived. It is frustrating. I shall just go down as someone who couldn’t be bothered. I wanted to have some sort of say.

Janet continues to walk strongly. Today she finished at the site of the former Vulcan Foundry, where locomotives were made*. The weather continues fair, and it’s been really good for Janet to have the support of some friends in the Manchester area.

*not ultra rational beings from another planet.

Today comes news that British steel may soon go the same way as Vulcan. I hope it doesn’t.

God of love, we pray for all people whose jobs are in danger anywhere. Bring them safe through these times, we pray. If they have to do different work, may the new work build them up and not drag the down. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer.