Almost done

Almost all done now. We are now in our own house, having left the manse for the cleaners. There are a couple of small deposits of stuff, to be picked up when we return to hand the keys over next week.

We are still tired, sore, aching – but my gut stopped churning when we got to our house last night and my appetite returned.

Thank you very much to everyone who helped! And thank you to the people of the churches for your / their support and kindness … although I realise hardly anyone is reading this. Today we’re heading off for a week in Wales.

Next Sunday’s readings about the Transfiguration of Jesus… If you read the extra bit of the Luke reading, you get another insight into the nature of Jesus. Holy person, in the tradition of Moses and Elijah, Son of God, awesome … then someone who got stuck in to help a person who had epileptic seizures.