There’s still a lot of stuff – but yesterday was modestly successful – an Oxfam run, a tip run, and various things, including a dishwasher and a washing machine, on the way to the scrapyard. This inevitably involves a compromise. I like to hang on to things until every possibility of repair is exhausted – by me or someone else…. which usually means ‘for ever’, because I don’t get around to it. But this is no longer possible – things have to be got rid of.
The dishwasher went out with the acrid smoke of finality – so no problems there. But the washing machine just refused to turn on one day a few weeks ago. It could be anything needs replacing – a circuit board, a power supply, even just an internal fuse – I just didn’t have the heart to look into it or get someone else to. So it’s on the way to the scrapyard.
I worked in Sheffield before I came here. I’d just like to point out that in Sheffield, the scrapyard is the beginning. All the steel made there (yes, it still is) is recycled.

It’s been a lovely morning for a while here. Looking from near the Co-op in Marsh, I could see the grey crowns of trees further down the hill, their lower halves airbrushed into the gentle fog.